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"What's in My Bag?"

Hi girls! It’s been a while since I did my last “What’s in My Bag” post so I thought I’d give you an update! Isn’t it exciting to see what’s really inside a woman’s bag? Especially those who literally carry a LOT of stuff with them everyday *raises hands*


The bag I use nowadays is a Longchamp Birdcage Le Pliage 2015, it was a gift from my cousin and I love it to bits! I’m a fan of spacious bags because I really carry a lot with me. It’s all about being ready for anything and having the necessary things you need when faced with different situations.

Let’s start:

1. Makeup bag – Normally I’d bring the lipstick I am wearing for the day for touch ups—this is a must, especially when you’re not wearing a long lasting lip color and find yourself having meals throughout the day and ending up with faded lipstick! I also bring a compact powder to get rid of oil throughout the day—I have combination skin and I tend to oil up on my T-zone. It feels icky to have grease on my face, so retouching is a must; especially in between client meetings! When faced with a sudden zit on the face, I make sure I bring a concealer to cover it up!


2. Wet wipes and dry tissue—It’s a must for me to have both! They’re always to the rescue when it comes to messy situations—ever had your food/beverage accidentally spilled all over yourself/your bag? What about an emergency, like attack of allergies that cause the sniffles, or sudden nose bleeding? It would be a horrible situation if you didn’t have wipes and tissues with you, girl! So these are LIFESAVERS!


3. Carefree panty liners—Let’s face it, even when we don’t have our periods, we still worry. This time about everyday wetness. It’s not a comfortable feeling, so it often affects our mood and productivity. This is the reason why I see to it that I bring Carefree panty liners with me every day to ensure that I feel fresh and clean all day. It absorbs my everyday wetness, so I automatically feel #FreshInsideAndOut!


4. Tech stuff – I always bring my phone, and of course vlogging camera to document my everyday life for my YouTube channel, and it would be a horror if I run out of battery so I make sure I bring extras. I also bring my chargers along with my pocket Wi-fi and my powerbank. It’s better to have what you need at the moment you need it the most.Oh and I never forget my taser gun, it’s always better to be safe than sorry!


5. Geek stuff—I am a sucker for writing stuff down. Being a YouTube content creator, ideas randomly pop into your head; and when that happens, I’d rather write it than input it on my phone! I’m old school like that! I tend to forget random ideas because of work stress, so I really need to jot them down. I never forget my planner as well, all my schedules are in here! With a lot of events happening, I find it difficult to remember details, and I always run to my planner to double check.

Throw in the wallet, keys, and mints and I’m ready to go!

Did you have fun snooping inside my bag? Share in the comments what we have in common inside our bags—I’d love to read them!

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