Here's the best part: she knows it. Rare is the young movie star who can charismatically walk the tightrope of self possession (often required of stars) without coming across as arrogant. Too confident to be unnerved by her fame and too smart to take it for granted, this girl will be in it for the long haul.
I was doing behind the scenes maintenance on the blog a few days back and noticed that I had called Anne Hathaway "pretty" approximately 11 times in the past 7 months and often the adjective was doubled up for emphasis. It's not that I was unaware that I was repeating myself or that I don't own a thesaurus. It's just that... well, when has one word described someone so perfectly...

I'm thinking of Anne today because she's a cool would be salve for my fresh Lindsay Lohan wounds (a talented girl who isn't chucking it all away!) and because Becoming Jane is expanding on Friday (my review) . I was also pleased to read recently that she'll be working with Jonathan Demme. She told Black Film that they're making Dancing With Sheba together. It's a dark comedy about a f***ed up frequently rehab'ing model who attends a wedding.
I recently lamented that Demme the director isn't what he used to be since winning his Oscar for Silence of the Lambs but ...Sheba sounds like the type of thing that might trigger his sorely-missed livelier instincts. I'm crossing my fingers that it does and that Anne benefits from the spark.

Good luck to them both.
tags: Anne Hathaway
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