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Güncel Haberler

Where Have I Been? Life and Health Update

Hi, everyone

Firstly, I hope you're all doing really well! It feels like it's been forever since I've just sat down in front of my computer and blogged and, let me tell you, I really missed it! I missed you all. If you're a regular reader of Born to Buy you may have noticed an absence of late and, for that, I'm really sorry. I recently became quite unwell but, after a million tests and a procedure or two, I'm finally on the road to recovery. Huzzzah!

It was my birthday on July 8 and I'm now 22. Old, I know. Anyone who knows me knows I absolutely love birthdays and, I'll be honest, I was devastated to be spending mine in hospital, especially because I knew the birthday giveaway I'd been planning wasn't going to go live for you all. Sad! 

I exhausted all my prewritten content whilst I was unwell so I'm going to try my best to get back on track, however it may be a week or so until I get back into the routine of daily blogging. I can't wait though as I have so much to share with you all. The next few days will be spent organising the blog, planning what I want to upload and, of course, preparing for my belated birthday giveaway. 

Anyway, that's pretty much it. I just wanted to check in and apologise for a lack of posts, lack of updates and lack of just, well, being around. If you do want more regular personal updates I'd highly recommend you follow me on Facebook or Instagram because, by the nature of them, I do seem to update them more regularly. I also love to chat with you all there, of course.

Enough about me - How have you been? 

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