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Güncel Haberler

Contest! Guess Pork Chop's Weight, and Win a Subscription to "Wired"

Let's get 2008 off to a rockin' start with a fabulous contest! The prize is a seven-month subscription to Wired magazine! (For some reason, you see, I have two subscriptions, so I thought it would be nice to spread the love. If you win, I'll send it to whomever you designate.)

All you have to do is guess Pork Chop's weight at the time of this blog entry. Remember when I weighed him on November 26, 2007, he was 19.8 pounds. So what do you think? Did he put on a little something extra during the holidays? Or did he slim down from all that vigorous video-making?

Anyone in the United States can enter (sorry, Filipinos). Leave your guess in the comments section (one guess per person please). If you're not a Blogger member, leave your first name or last name or your initials in the comments section; when I announce the winner, you'll know if you won and all you have to do is e-mail me. The person who comes closest (to the nearest tenth) wins. In the event of a tie, I'll randomly draw one of the tying entries. Deadline for comments/entries is Monday, January 7, 2008, 11:59PM. Behold:

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