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Why so few Mexicans in diverse communities

A discussion by Terry Blue and Armando Arturo Sanchez

TB :   As someone who has studied the taxi industry and urban redevelopments of gentrification process of neighborhoods and cities this is a topic I thought I would bring up with You Arturo be Use you are our only Mexican on staff.

AAS :  ok just remember I am only mainly a baker expert.

  TB.  The topic is why the communities that play up their diversity in urban areas and select suburbs really miss the full range of economic and social diversity and fail to ever include Mexicans. Few of the high end super zip codes that talk aout their paper income diversity lack the Mexican community.

AAS. :  unless they want to include wealthy Brazilean and Venezuelans as Mexicans. You see way more South Americans thn Mexicans in places like river North or Lincoln Park

Tb. Well lets talk Pacific Northwest. One of the thing that amazes me is how few Mexicans are in Portland and Seattle. Why do you think this is and these cities are so dam Lilly White?

AAS. Because there are so many Mexicans in California. Those people don't realize it but we will get p there much like we got to Disneyland. That is the whole point they battle any growth development in these two cities be ause they do not want to share their environment with others and have anything to change their paradise demographics.

TB. Demographics that give these elites in the Northwest Coast an idea of what America looked like in the fifties. Another question I have always wondered is why are there such few taxi drivers of Mexican origin in the super cities in the coasts nd Chicago. You see almost every nationality but Mexicans and Americans.

AAS : the corruption these foreigners bring and money from other countries helps setup their taxi jobs. Mexicans don't have the same access to these industries as Arabs and Africans evidently have. Mexicans are stuck with restaurant jobs

TB. You have been a small business owner of a bakery for many yeas. Is it hard to open a business as a Mexican in elite to suburbs like Oak Park or Evanston. Why such few taquerias in these towns

compared to say a Melrose Park in the Chicago area.

Some suburba totally discriminate against people with Spanish surnames applying for a business license in their town. I could never get a Mexican bakery in Oak Park or a higher end mostly high income Wite suburbs. I know another friend that battled village leaders in Downers Grove trying to bring Mexican food actually made by a fucking Mexican to their little downtown. These towns want a certain image to portray.
Which makes it very difficult if you do not look like their business of commerce image.

TB. Where do you think Whites in Seattle and Portland will go to if and when Mexicans find their way up to the Pacific NorthWest?

AAS. Canada

Tb.   The whole West coast of America and Canada will basically become more related and influenced by Asia. where does Mexico fit into this?

AAS:  Eventually Asians will be the ket to getting more cheap jobs into these regions. If you look at some Chinese buffets and Japanese Sushi places you see Mexicans making the chop suey. you need cheap labor into these elite cities and I am sure there are some old apartments in the North West where the workers can congregate.With that come the taquerias and the bakery shops that serve the clients of these works although they will likely have to begin in Seattles suburbs than in the downtown.

TB : Thats sounds like a possibility although you have to remember that yuppies may like to have Mexican tacos and nice restaurants but they want to see the cooks and their kind hidden back in the kitchen.

AAS  Well has demographics change theese people will have to get use to seeing more and more of them walking the streets and climbing the ladder where eventually their hard work will make them owners of these restaurants. They will then be stuck to their technology campuses if they dont want to entertain the idea of dining among folks that are not like them.

TB Without a doubt white cities like Seattle,Portland, and suburbs around the country will also eventually see the browning of America.

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