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It's been 2 months since I last took the Isotretinoin (Acnotin) pills and I haven't made an update since the Month 1 (HERE). I took the Isotretinoin pills for 6 months with a 10mg dose everyday. But before I share my update, let me share with you how I had my HUGE breakouts last year (2018). 
My skin was better for years already but last July-August 2018, my skin was triggered by a Korean skincare product. It all started there and the monthly pimple breakouts never stopped. I tried going back to my old routine, even trimmed down the products that I used but still the same, much worst every month. The last breakout I had was during the last few weeks of November 2018. I had 3-4 cystic acne breakouts near my cheeks and I know I had to consult to a dermatologist. 

During the 2nd visit with her, she gave me Acnotin pills (Isotretinoin) 1box to use for a month. Since she said that I only have MILD ACNE (cystic ones), the dose she gave me was only 10mg/1 tab a day which is the lowest dosage. She explained to me the side effects and strictly said that I CAN NEVER BE PREGNANT during my course. Though, before deciding to take this, I already read about Isotretinoin and it's effects plus I also joined a Accutane/Acnotin/Isotretinoin group on Facebook to see the opinions and reviews of those who already tried this one. I also read that ISOTRETINOIN is under ONE OF THE MOST DANGEROUS DRUGS but MOST EFFECTIVE ones. It can be harmful for the liver and the heart. So you really have to research and read before deciding to take this drug.
I decided to take Acnotin/Isotretinoin because I'm on my 30's but still experience this kind of cystic breakouts. I've tried everything to treat and prevent these breakouts but it's just getting worst. And I have an EXTREMELY OILY SKIN!!! My skin started to oil up especially on my t-zone an hour after washing skin. At 4-6 hours, it is already extremely oily that I NEED TO BLOT up! And whenever I wake up after 8-12 hours of sleep, I tell you.. my face is really super duper oily that my priority when I wake up is to immediately wash my face. Having an extremely oily skin is a HUGE FACTOR in getting these cystic pimple breakouts. 

During the course of 6 months, my skin was way BETTER compared to the previous month. The cystic pimples stopped during the 2nd month. I still get small pimps every know and then although it's really small and fades in 1-2 days. My skin also started to become less oily to dry skin. I had extremely dry lips and using a Petroleum jelly works well for me. 

Here's my skin from December 2018 to present: 
During the last few months of taking the Isotretinoin, my skin became so dry. I get oily after 12-14 hours compared to being oily after 2-3 hours when not taking Isotretinoin. Not complaining as my skin is so perfect as I didn't get that much pimps at all! I can wear any makeup/foundation without retouching the whole day! I remembered bringing only a concealer and lipstick whenever I got out. Before, I had to bring almost all of my makeup just to make sure I can touch up every now and then. 

Also, I had to slowly taper the meds during the 6th month (from everyday to every other day) as prescribed by the dermatologist. So I finished everything during the month of June 2019. (started in December 2018). 

I started to become a little oily during the months that I was tapering the meds. Not super oily but not that dry at all. No worries as long as I don't get any pimples. Until the month of August wherein I noticed that I get so oily again whenever I go out. Right after my Baguio trip on the 1st-2nd week of August, I noticed how oily my skin is whenever I wake up. My face feels heavy because of the oiliness and I badly want to wash my face again in the morning! The blotting paper I once used (consumed only 1 blotting paper after 10-12 hours) now back to consuming 3-4 blotting papers in 3-4 hours!!!  That's when I knew I'm back to being extremely oily!! 

During the 3rd week of August, I tried a new facial cleanser for 3 straight days and that product feels very mild and soothing on my face. Until I experienced tiny bumps that started as 1 to 5 bumps with pus in days!!! Then I knew something was wrong. Until the next week, I started to have that painful bumps on the chin and t-zone. Now I know that there's really something wrong. Experiencing constant pimples for days aren't normal for me. It reminded me of the days that I started to have a breakout last year. I just wasn't expecting that the effects would wear off in as early as post 2 months as per my dermatologist, some experience up to 3-4 years with minimal breakouts!
I feel so TRAUMATIZED that my breakouts "might" come back again! I read that low dose intakes are more prone to having relapse instead! Although there are some that didn't comeback after 1 round of low dose Isotretinoin. Sadly, I think I'm one of the those that still experience relapse. I'm not a dermatologist but I think I'm having a relapse this early because of how often my pimples comeback! I feel like my skin is going back to its original state of having an extremely oily skin plus pimple prone! 
Currently, my skin is now better compared to the breakouts I had last August. Although I'm still observing the pimps I got now on my forehead. Left red marks on my skin which II'll treat again to fade the acne marks. Will update you again once I see any improvements. :) 

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