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Güncel Haberler

Beauty Squared Round-Up - April 15, 2012

Here are Beauty Squared's weird and wonderful beauty links for the week:

Who doesn't want to look a little like the gorgeous Sophia Loren? Sam from Pixiwoo shows how to get an "Ultra Vixen" eye look just like Sophia.

Have you seen the Sephora/Pantone collaboration and aren't sure how to wear tangerine tango? A Sephora make-up artist shows you how

Candy inspired manicures.

A cold cream from the 1950s that can remove radioactive dirt from your face.

Make-up artist Larissa Palaszczuk reviews the FaceChartPro iPad app.

A manicure that mimics caviar - not sure about this one. But here's a blog that shows you how to do it yourself.

Former plus-size model Crystal Renn is unrecognizable now with bleached hair and eyebrows and a size 0 frame.

Would you let your significant other do your make-up? This brave beauty blogger let her husband do a Snooki transformation on her, on camera. 

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